Every week the Maxon Cinema 4D community Rocket Lasso (Formerly AskGSG) holds a sketching challenge which tackles a concept to keep our brains sharp and improve our drawing skills. This challenge is open to everyone and is joined by people all over the world. What makes this challenge fun is that there are only 2 rules; You're free to use any medium that you want, and the deadline is on Thursday at 11:55 pm. The rest is free game.
For the 50th challenge, the concept was Kaiju (Translated from Japanese as Strange Beast). As a super-fan of the first Pacific Rim film, my first thought went to do a PR Kaiju poster. I then strived towards the moment the city is destroyed, with the earth burning in the background.
After completion the illustration, there was some extra time left where I then decided to expand on the idea further. Since the project is based on a film, so a simple Micro-site would work great as a companion piece.
With less than a day left I quickly designed 3 pages to sit alongside the Illustration.
© MW Stands For 2020 Freelance Creative